If the notion of cleaning your engine makes you nervous, you’re not alone. Many individuals shudder at the thought of DIY engine cleaning because of the mechanical parts, electrical components, belts, and other components beneath the hood.
However, the procedure may not be too complicated, and with a few basic steps, you can complete the work in an hour or less.
Allow Your Engine to Cool Down:
Allow your engine to cool down before proceeding. Engine cleaning is a messy job, and you don’t want to burn yourself on hot engine parts. Allow the engine to cool completely before doing any repairs.
Purchase Safety Equipment:
You’ll need specific safety equipment. Wear safety glasses, rubber gloves, and an old shirt that you don’t mind getting stained.
Working on a dirty engine requires you to cover your flesh as much as possible. Also, wear closed-toed shoes so that no dirt gets in between the gaps as you walk around your engine.
If there is any Dirt on the Engine, Clean it Up:
To begin cleaning your engine, remove any dirt and grime from the surface. This may be done by a sponge or a wire brush, commonly available at auto parts stores.
Cover Any Fragile Engine Parts:
The next step is to safeguard all of the engine’s electrical components from direct water or steam. You may accomplish this by covering them with plastic bags. This will prevent them from any harm while you clean the engine.
Covering the carburetor is crucial for older vehicles. Remove the distributor’s head as well and cover it in plastic wrap.
Scrub degreaser into the surface:
The next step is to apply and brush a degreaser into the engine. Please read the directions on the degreaser container to determine how long to leave it on. Scrubbing the engine’s surface with a brush might help remove any built-up dirt or oil. Allow the degreaser to rest for the period suggested on the bottle after scrubbing it in.
Wipe it Clean:
After allowing the degreaser to rest, wipe it dry. Soak up any liquid on the engine’s surface using a cloth or paper towel. You can also dry your engine with a dryer. Make sure to remove all the liquid as leaving the water, or any liquid can cause corrosion.
Ensure no water gets inside electrical components or into the engine oil dipstick hole.
An automobile with a gleaming engine has a highly attractive visual impact. If you are unsure about cleaning your engine, you can always rely on our dealership service facility at Auffenberg KIA of Cape Girardeau, serving Cape Girardeau, MO. Our qualified vehicle experts are here to assist you with your car, truck, or SUV needs. Make a service appointment today.